Abendrot BNC Cable 50/75
Abendrot BNC Cable 50/75 is a BNC cable deliberately made and strictly tested to losslessly transmit the highest quality clock signal of Abendrot - True Audio Master Clock. Inconsistency of synchronization signal will cause deterioration of sound signals and shall be a hotbed of digital typical distortion. With True Audio Master Clock technology, Abendrot has materialized the highest point where analog and digital meet and the ideal of clock systems.
Abendrot BNC Cable 50/75 will be an essential part of precision clock distribution environment, the backbone of digital audio systems. We promise Abendrot BNC Cable 50/75 to be the best choice when handling the most precious information, such as historic assets, public broadcast, materials from top artists, with digital audio master clock distributors.
Abendrot BNC 50
Reference 50Ω BNC Cable for 10MHz to synchronizer connection.Price
1.0m 600.00 USD
1.5m 800.00 USD
Abendrot BNC 75
Reference 75Ω BNC Cable for general word clock connection.Price
1.0m 600.00 USD
1.5m 800.00 USD
Abendrot AES/EBU Cable
Reference AES/EBS cable for digital master connection
The Abendrot AES/EBU Cable is an Abendrot-certified AES/EBU cable jointly developed with the Everest 901 - True Analogue to Digital Converter. This reference cable is a must-have item in configuring the most reliable system out there for transmitting important information of historic cultural property, a public broadcasting, or top artist material. The cable was specifically designed to achieve zero loss during digital audio transmission through AES/EBU format clock signal transmission
Abendrot AES/EBU | 1.0m700.00 USD
Abendrot AES/EBU | 1.5m
1000.00 USD